IMPORTANT! - If you have a medical emergency call 911. Do not use this form for emergencies. Communication with us via this form is not secure and does not establish a doctor-patient relationship for persons not presently patients of the practice. Established patients should use the Patient Portal for all secure communications.

Email Address
Phone number

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Closed (Cerrado) 8am-7pm 11:30-6pm 8am-7pm 8am-6pm Call for Saturdays hours Closed (Cerrado)
Monday Closed (Cerrado)
Tuesday 8am-7pm
Wednesday 11:30-6pm
Thursday 8am-7pm
Friday 8am-6pm
Saturday Call for Saturdays hours
Sunday Closed (Cerrado)

We are closed on New Years, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Friday & Christmas.

ALBERT CANAS MD & ASSOCIATES - 1680 Michigan Avenue - Suite 912 - Miami Beach, Florida - 33139